Thursday, 14 August 2003 - 4:23pm |
National News

Police attribute drop in crime to hard work

1 min read

Police attribute the drop in street crime and burglary in Waitakere City to early intervention and active policing.

The latest crime statistics show a drop in minor assaults, group assemblies, immoral behaviour, cannabis crime, sexual affronts, burglary and theft.

&#34It’s about old fashioned policing... actively engaging with people who are active in crime, coming down hard on youth offenders and arresting people for minor offences before situations escalate&#34, said Waitakere Area Controller, Inspector Mark O’Connor.

&#34We’re really happy with the decrease in dwelling burglaries and that’s come about because we work hard to keep in touch with known burglars, we have the highest resolution rates ever and they continues to increase&#34.

&#34In fact we have high resolution rates across all crime categories (an average of 52.5%) this is because we have motivated, proactive police out 24/7 trying to make Waitakere City a safer place&#34.

&#34We have been fostering crime prevention partnerships with the Waitakere City Council, Mayor Bob Harvey and other local agencies and with further community support I believe we can make further reductions&#34.