Wednesday, 1 March 2006 - 1:00pm |
National News

Increased Police focus on organised crime

2 min read

Police are working quietly behind the scenes to bring increased pressure to bear on organised crime gangs and groups, the Acting Deputy Commissioner of Operations, Roger Carson, said today.

"We're always reluctant to disclose too much of our hand in public, in the knowledge that intelligence information is as important to criminals as it is to agencies who seek to deal to those criminals.

"District Commanders are unanimous about ensuring coordination of effort between and across districts to help bring greater pressure to bear on groups who don't necessarily operate within geographic boundaries.

"The Auckland Metropolitan Crime and Operations Support Group is demonstrating what can be achieved by way of a well coordinated organised crime fighting group.

"Under the leadership of Assistant Commissioner Peter Marshall and Detective Superintendent Nick Perry in Wellington there is also excellent oversight of national and international issues. Trans-national crime continues to grow and we're working increasingly closely with border control agencies and officials in other countries to make successful interdictions either at source or at the border.

"Obviously the Criminal Investigation Branch will be a beneficiary of some of the 1250 new police staff coming on stream over the next three years and we're actively planning on achieving an optimum profile of detectives and specialist support to capitalise on the injection of new resources.

"We all form part of the wider criminal justice sector and there is a good spirit of inter-agency cooperation these days to maximise our combined impact on the criminal fraternity," said Acting Deputy Commissioner Carson.

Mr Carson said he agreed with Police Association President Greg O'Connor that fracas of the type seen in Wanganui yesterday were high profile because they don't occur in public as often as they used to.

"Turf matters between groups are often being sorted behind the scenes which underscores the sophistication of organised crime groups and the matching need for police to in turn become even more sophisticated in our response and proactive measures," Mr Carson said.


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