Friday, 18 February 2011 - 2:28pm |

Police target excessive truck speeds

1 min read

Canterbury Police are clamping down on excessive truck speeds on Port Hills Road, Christchurch.

In an operation on Wednesday, Police recorded 45 trucks exceeding the 50 kmph speed limit by more than 10 kmph.

It is believed that around half of the trucks were involved in the unloading of fertilizer from a ship berthed at Lyttelton Port.

Acting Senior Sergeant John Hamilton of the Canterbury Highway Patrol said while the trucks were not stopped during the four-hour operation, details were recorded and the registered owners of these trucks will now be contacted by Police who will request the driver's details.

It is highly likely that enforcement action will be taken against offending drivers, he said.

"Local residents are frustrated with the heavy motor vehicles speeding past their homes when fertilizer trucks are in port.

"Excessive speeds are dangerous and residents who have been affected by the earthquake aftershocks are fed up with the lack of consideration by some of the drivers.

"Four of the trucks were detected speeding twice during the afternoon operation."

Officer-issued infringement notices carry a penalty of 20 demerits and an $80 fine for travelling at 11 to 15 kmph over the speed limit.

"Our aim is for all drivers to keep within the legal speed limits and Police will continue to carry out speed enforcement operations in the area."