Thursday, 5 July 2007 - 2:54pm |
National News

Motorcycle ride caught on video

1 min read

Recent increases in motorcycle registrations and corresponding increases in death and injuries to motorcyclists prompted Police and ACC to mount a "High-Vis" ride.

The ride through Auckland and demonstration of the effects of crashing at a range of speeds was caught on video.

There are now more than 74,000 registered motorcycles in New Zealand and in recent years this growth has been mirrored by an increase in crashes.

"It is not exactly rocket science to understand the risks of riding a motor cycle",

says Inspector Carey Griffiths, Police National Headquarters Manager of Operations,

"and while motorcyclists make up only two per cent of vehicles on the road, they account for 18 per cent of road claims received by ACC."

The campaign was intended to raise awareness in other motorists to take a little more time and look again for bikes but also to remind motorcyclists themselves of the benefits of wearing high visibility vests and keeping motorcycle headlights on during the day.


For further information:

Lesley Wallis -Communications Manager - Road Policing

04 4707111