Friday, 6 June 2014 - 3:08pm |
National News

Hoax messages should be ignored

1 min read

Police say a message circulating on social media warning that households are being robbed at gunpoint is a hoax and should be ignored.

Police has received a number of reports about the message, particularly in the Auckland area. It says 3-4 men are visiting homes offering to install energy saving shower heads or change lightbulbs. They then rob the household at gunpoint.

Police say there is no basis in truth to the message which is reported to have been in circulation since 2012 and originated overseas.

Anyone who sees the message should ignore it and not pass it on.

Police are also aware of a hoax text that has gone to multiple people in the Auckland area claiming that "Watercare servicemen are being impersonated and they are armed."

Again this is completely untrue and the text should be ignored.