Annual Report 2018

Annual Report 2018

Date Published: 
October 2018

In this Annual Report you will read what Police planned to do and what we actually did. Highlights in the year 2017/18 included:

  • Serious crime victimisations reduced by 9,643 victimisations as at 30 June 2018. The reduction is due in part to a number of preventative initiatives we have implemented.
  • We concentrated our efforts on tackling organised crime and those who cause the most harm in our communities. Between January 2017 and June 2018, our National Organised Crime Group undertook 45 operations, dismantled 17 transnational organised crime groups, seized 66 firearms and restrained millions of dollars of cash and assets. These targeted enforcement activities have prevented $979 million of social harm.
  • The percentage of general vetting requests processed within 20 working days has increased from 74% in 2016/17 to 99%, which is above the performance standard of 90%.
  • Communities are starting to see a stronger and more visible ‘uniformed’ presence with 348 more staff in 2017/18.
  • We had the largest intake of recruits in 25 years and the most ethnically diverse training wing in our history.
  • We made the single biggest change to our family harm response in twenty years. The new approach helps us to make the best decisions and deliver better outcomes for the people involved and their families.