Quarterly Summary - December 2008

Quarterly Summary - December 2008

Key Achievements

This quarter sees the completion of a further two of the original 48 NZ Police recommendations.

Recommendation 34

"New Zealand Police should implement a best practice state sector disciplinary system based on a code of conduct in keeping with the principles of fairness and natural justice as part of the employment relationship."

NZ Police has revised the disciplinary process, based around a Code of Conduct for all employees. The new process is consistent with general employment law and allows for a progressive warning system as well as the ability to respond to cases of serious misconduct. Initially this required the revocation of the previous Police Regulations and introduction of revised Police Regulations to allow a transitional period. The revised disciplinary procedures now operate as “business as usual”.

Recommendation 40

"New Zealand Police should develop standards, policies, and guidelines on inappropriate sexual conduct towards, and the forming of sexual relationships with, members of the public. These should be incorporated into all codes of conduct and relevant policy and training materials. The standards, policies, and guidelines should be developed with the assistance of an external expert in professional ethics and should:

  • specify actions and types of behaviour of a sexual nature that are inappropriate or unprofessional
  • prohibit members of police from entering any relationship of a sexual nature with a person over whom they are in a position of authority or where is a power differential
  • provide guidance to members to members and their supervisors about how to handle concerns about a possible or developing relationship that may be inappropriate, and
  • emphasise the ethical dimensions of sexual conduct, including the need for police officers to avoid bring the police in disrepute through their private activities."

NZ Police have developed and implemented the Professional Distance Policy. The policy provides guidance on both internal and external relationships and the appropriate management of those where a conflict of interest or power imbalance may arise.