Child Protection Protocol - NZ Police and Oranga Tamariki Joint Operating Procedures

Child Protection Protocol - NZ Police and Oranga Tamariki Joint Operating Procedures

Date Published: 
March 2022

The role of New Zealand Police (Police) is to investigate criminal offending, hold offenders to account, and prevent future offending. The role of Oranga Tamariki–Ministry for Children (Oranga Tamariki) is to support any tamaiti (child) in New Zealand whose wellbeing is at significant risk of harm now, or in the future. Oranga Tamariki also work with rangatahi (young people) who may have offended, or are likely to offend.

We use the Child Protection Protocol: Joint Operating Procedures (CPP) when we jointly consider a report of concern or complaint meets the definitions as set out in this document, and when there is a role for both parties.

This agreement replaces the existing 2016 Child Protection Protocol.