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Site map
Top Navigation
- About us
- About New Zealand Police
- Our Values
- Māori and Police in partnership
- Structure
- Police districts
- Northland Police District
- Waitematā Police District
- Auckland City Police District
- Counties Manukau Police District
- Waikato Police District
- Bay of Plenty Police District
- Eastern Police District
- Central Police District
- Wellington Police District
- Tasman Police District
- Canterbury Police District
- Southern Police District
- Commissioner and Executive
- Police teams and units
- Safe Roads - road policing
- Maritime Units
- Police Dog Section
- Air support ‘Eagle’ unit
- Armed Offenders Squads
- New Zealand Police Dive Squad
- Communications Centres
- Europol
- Intelligence
- Police Negotiation Teams
- Puawaitahi – child protection multi-agency centre
- Forensics
- Financial Crime Group
- Interpol
- Dignitary Protection Service
- Search and Rescue
- New Zealand Police Pipe Band
- The Royal New Zealand Police College
- Police Prosecution Service (PPS)
- Police districts
- Publications and statistics
- Corporate
- Annual report
- Briefing to incoming Minister
- Commission of Inquiry reports
- Evaluations and reviews
- Financial Action Task Force
- Information and advice sent to the Minister of Police
- Information releases
- OPC Compliance Notice progress reports
- Police Manual chapters
- Papers and reviews
- Regulatory Impact Statements
- Statement of Intent
- Strategies and plans
- Forms
- General reports
- Guides and standards
- Research
- Data and statistics
- Schools
- Corporate
- History and Museum
- Memorial
- Museum
- About the Museum
- Visit & Contact
- Exhibitions
- The place of many brave deeds
- The Bravery Medals
- 1951 - Sergeant William Shore Hughes
- 1952 - Bruce Christoffersen
- 1969 - Graham Perry
- 1978 - Murder at Miramar
- 1985 - Stephen Linney
- 1986 - Robin Dudding
- 1986 - Peter Button
- 1990 - Senior Constable Peter Umbers - GM
- 1990 - Operation Aramoana
- 1993 - Sergeant Allan Cantley - NZBM
- 1993 - Pleydell and Rice
- 1994 - Broughton and Pratt
- 1996 - Warren Sloss
- 2001 - Geoffrey Knight
- 2002 - Operation Green
- 2003 - David Templeton
- 2005 - Bertrand and White
- 2005 - Constable Craig Bennett
- 2005 - Gibson and Pennington
- 2007 - Constable James Muir - NZBD
- 2007 - Tibbott and Rose
- 2009 - Inspector Michael O'Leary - NZBD, Civilians Conor O'Leary and Peter Booth - NZBM
- 2009 - Operation Stingray
- 2009 - Operation Buckingham
- 2010 - Michael Wardle and Gage
- 2011 - Canterbury Earthquake
- 2014 - Lilleby and McDowell
- 2014 - Spalding and Turner
- 2019 - Operation Deans Targeted Terrorist Attacks, Christchurch, 15 March
- He Toa Taumata Rau
- Ngā Mētara Taonga
- 1951 - Pouwhakataki William Shore Hughes
- 1952 - Pouaromātai Bruce Christoffersen
- 1969 - Pouwhirinaki Pouaromātai E Graham Perry
- 1978 - He kōhuru i Miramar
- 1985 - Pirihimana Stephen Linney
- 1986 - Pirihimana Waka Robin Dudding
- 1986 - Kaiurungi Reretopa Whakarauora Kirirarau Peter Button
- 1990 - Pirihimana Matua Peter Umbers
- 1990 - Apareihana Aramoana
- 1993 - Pouwhakataki Allan Cantley
- 1993 - Pirihimana Matua Dean Pleydell rāua ko Pirihimana Patrick Rice
- 1994 - Kātipa Matua Peter Broughton rāua ko Kātipa Floyd Pratt
- 1996 - Pirihimana Warren Sloss
- 2001 - Pirihimana Geoffrey Knight
- 2002 - Apareihana Kākāriki
- 2003 - Pirihimana Matua David Templeton
- 2005 - Pouwhakataki Ngakina Bertrand rāua ko Pouwhakataki George White
- 2005 - Pirihimana Craig Bennett
- 2005 - Kātipa Robert Gibson rāua ko Kātipa Karl Pennington
- 2007 - Pirihimana James Muir
- 2007 - Tāriana Matua Eric Tibbott me Kātipa Allister Rose
- 2009 - Kaiwawao Michael O'Leary, Kirirarau Conor O’Leary rāua ko Peter Booth
- 2009 - Apareihana Stingray
- 2009 - Kōkiri Buckingham
- 2010 - Pirihimana Michael Wardle rāua ko Kuri Pirihimana Gage
- 2011 - Te Rū i Waitaha
- 2014 - Pouwhakataki Ryan Lilleby rāua ko Pirihimana Christopher McDowell
- 2014 - Pirihimana Matua Blair Spalding rāua ko Pirihimana Benjamin Turner
- 2019 - Operation Deans Targeted Terrorist Attacks
- Curator's Casefile
- Riccarton Hotel Unsolved Murder
- Fingerprinting and the “GOTCHA” Badges
- Sly-grogging and Hokonui Moonshine
- Trades Hall Bombing Fingerprinting Kit
- Prisoner’s Enamel Plate
- Wanganui Computer Bombing
- 1932 Auckland Riot Baton
- New Zealand Police Highland Pipe Band
- Rudolph Radka Prison Escape
- Mount Eden Prison Keys
- Suspicious Looking: 19th century mug shots from the New Zealand Police Museum
- Criminal Identification before mug shots
- The invention of mug shots
- The introduction of mug shots in New Zealand
- Criticisms of mug shot photography
- Physiognomy, Photography and the criminal look
- Beyond mug shots: Other methods of criminal identification in the 19th century
- Mug shots in New Zealand today
- Selected Biographies: Famous Faces & Sensational Stories
- Sources
- Curators Choice: Black Friday series
- Policing the First World War: slygrogging, sex and sedition
- He matapihi o nehe rā: A window into the past
- The place of many brave deeds
- Learning & Events
- Museum news
- Research
- The establishment of New Zealand Police
- Police insignia
- 75 years of women in Police
- Investigations and reviews
- CTV Investigation
- Commissions of Inquiry
- Crewe Review
- Investigation into the engagement of external security consultants
- Joint Review into the Children's Sector: Identification and response to suspected abuse
- Operation Clover
- Programmes and initiatives
- Adult Diversion Scheme
- Armed Response Team trial
- Child Sex Offender (CSO) Register
- Consultation: Arms Regulations Review of Fees 2022 - Closed
- Cost Recovery
- Electronic Monitoring on Bail (EM Bail)
- Evidence-Based Policing (EBP)
- Fostering and adopting police dogs
- Gender pay gap action plan
- Integrated Safety Response (ISR)
- International Anti-Corruption Coordination Centre
- National Security Long-term Insights Briefing - public consultation
- Neighbourhood Policing Teams
- Police contact survey – How did we do?
- Police use of emergent technologies
- RNZPC Independent Advisory Board
- Tactical Response Model (TRM)
- Te Oranga Tamariki Action Plan Collaboration
- The Gangs Act 2024
- Transforming Police Service Delivery
- Understanding Policing Delivery
- Woolf Fisher Police Fellowship Programme
- Investing in Frontline Policing
- Privacy statement - how we manage personal information
- Ko te iwi Māori me Ngā Pirihimana e ngunguru nei
Main menu
- News
- All news
- District news
- How we’re tracking
- Traffic alerts
- Ten One Magazine
- Subscriptions
- Major events
- Nelson Critical Incident (Operation Sabine)
- Auckland CBD - Serious Incident
- Cyclone Gabrielle
- Constable Matthew Hunt funeral service
- COVID-19 (novel coronavirus)
- New Lynn Incident (Operation Rally)
- Previous major events
- Police media contacts
- NZ Police app
- Research company hack
- Advice & Services
- Frequently asked questions
- Personal & community safety
- School Portal
- Information and guidelines
- Resources
- Successful relationships
- Travelling safely
- Responsible citizens
- Healthy body, healthy mind
- Living in a safe community
- School stories
- About the School Portal
- Get involved
- Latest news
- Keeping safe
- Rural hub
- Lost property advice
- Protect your home and belongings
- How to give someone a trespass notice
- New Zealand Communities Football Cup (NZCFC)
- Housie and raffles
- Advice for new arrivals
- Ethnic Liaison Officers
- National Pacific Liaison Officers
- Information for ethnic communities - English
- 少数民族信息 - Chinese
- जातीय सूचना - Hindi
- Información para comunidades étnicas - Spanish
- Temas importantes sobre tendencias delictivas - Hot topics relating to crime trends
- Comunicación con la policía - Communicating with Police
- La policía en sus comunidades - communities
- Sus derechos con la policía - Rights
- Conducir en Nueva Zelanda - Driving
- Prevención de delitos - Crime prevention
- Violencia familiar - Family violence
- Iniciativas
- معلومات عرقية - Arabic
- Farsi - اطلاعات نژادی
- Informationen für ethnische Gemeinden - German
- Hauptthemen im Zusammenhang mit Kriminalität - Hot topics
- Kommunikation mit der Polizei - Communicating
- Polizei in Ihrer Gemeinde - Communities
- Ihre Rechte gegenüber der Polizei - Rights
- Fahren in Neuseeland - Driving
- Verbrechensverhütung - Crime prevention
- Häusliche Gewalt - Family violence
- Initiativen - Initiatives
- 日本人および日本語話者向け情報 - Japanese
- 소수민족을 위한 정보 - Korean
- Macluumaadka loogu talo galay bulshooyinka qowmiyadaha - Somali
- Mawduucyada ugu waaweyn ee ku saabsan dambiyada - Hot topics
- La soo xidhiidhidda Booliiska - Communicating
- Booliiska iyo bulshadaada dhexdeeda - Communities
- Xuquuqdaada Booliiska - Rights
- Gaari wadidda Niyuusiilaan dhexdeeda - Driving
- Ka hortagga dembiyada - Crime prevention
- Rabshadaha qoyska- Family violence
- Qorshayaal - Initiatives
- รายละเอียดเกี่ยวกับชุมชนกลุ่มชาติพันธุ์ - Thai
- หัวข้อหลักที่เกี่ยวข้องกับอาชญากรรม - Hot topics
- การติดต่อกับเจ้าหน้าที่ตำรวจ - Communicating
- ตำรวจในชุมชนของท่าน - Communities
- สิทธิของท่านที่มีต่อตำรวจ - Rights
- การขับรถในประเทศนิวซีแลนด์ - Driving
- การป้องกันอาชญากรรม - Crime prevention
- ความรุนแรงในครอบครัว - Family violence
- การริเริ่ม - Initiatives
- Thông tin cho Người Dân tộc - Vietnamese
- chủ đề quan trọng về tội phạm- Hot topics
- Liên hệ thông qua các phương tiện truyền thông - Communicating
- Các cộng đồng - Communities
- Các quyền lợi - Rights
- Lái xe ở New Zealand - Driving in NZ
- Ngăn ngừa tội phạm - Crime prevention
- Bạo lực trong nhà - gia đình - Family violence
- Các sáng kiến - Initiatives
- School Portal
- Advice for victims
- Infringement Services
- Driving and road safety
- Family violence
- Sexual assault and consent
- Firearms & Safety (FSA)
- How to report a crime or incident
- Firearms & Safety
- Firearms
- Safety
- Forms & guides
- News & regulations
- News & updates
- New firearms laws and what they mean
- 2019 Firearm law changes (Arms Amendment Bill 2)
- Consultation on proposed regulations to support the new Firearms Registry
- Firearms Prohibition Orders
- Contact us
- FAQs
- Drugs and alcohol
- Illicit drugs – offences and penalties
- New drug driving legislation
- Cannabis and the law
- Methamphetamine and the law
- Drugs and alcohol – getting help
- Alcohol – laws and penalties
- Alcohol – stay safe when going out
- Hosting a party – safety tips
- Alcohol licences
- 'BYO' and 'place of resort' - Guidance on New Zealand Police's approach
- Accessing information
- Businesses and organisations
- NZ Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU)
- NZ Police Vetting Service
- Register for New Zealand Police Vetting
- The Vetting Process
- Information about vetting
- Forms and Guides
- Legislation and useful links
- Australian Criminal History Checking Service
- Information for Offshore Agencies
- Vetting process for visas
- Cost Recovery
- Fees, Charges and Payments - FAQs
- Vetting - FAQs
- Contact the vetting service team
- Protect your business
- Secondhand dealers and pawnbrokers
- Licensing of secondhand dealers and pawnbrokers
- Licences for secondhand dealers and pawnbrokers
- Certificates for secondhand dealers and pawnbrokers
- Secondhand dealers information
- Pawnbrokers information
- Cancellation of secondhand dealers and pawnbrokers licences
- Disqualification and waivers of licences and certificates
- Police objections to licence applications
- Police complaints against licence or certificate holders
- 'Articles' as defined for secondhand dealers
- Scrap metal dealers information
- Information for promoters of markets and fairs
- Information for Internet auction providers
- Customers of secondhand dealers and pawnbrokers
- Suspicious mail and bomb threats
- Telecommunications (Interception Capability & Security) Act 2013
- Retail Crime Prevention Hub
- Cybercrime and the Internet
- Protecting crowded places from attack
- Counter-Terrorism
- Information for Suppliers
- Missing persons
- Australian Subpoenas
- All online options
- About us
- About New Zealand Police
- Our Values
- Māori and Police in partnership
- Structure
- Police districts
- Northland Police District
- Waitematā Police District
- Auckland City Police District
- Counties Manukau Police District
- Waikato Police District
- Bay of Plenty Police District
- Eastern Police District
- Central Police District
- Wellington Police District
- Tasman Police District
- Canterbury Police District
- Southern Police District
- Commissioner and Executive
- Police teams and units
- Safe Roads - road policing
- Maritime Units
- Police Dog Section
- Air support ‘Eagle’ unit
- Armed Offenders Squads
- New Zealand Police Dive Squad
- Communications Centres
- Europol
- Intelligence
- Police Negotiation Teams
- Puawaitahi – child protection multi-agency centre
- Forensics
- Financial Crime Group
- Interpol
- Dignitary Protection Service
- Search and Rescue
- New Zealand Police Pipe Band
- The Royal New Zealand Police College
- Police Prosecution Service (PPS)
- Police districts
- Publications and statistics
- Corporate
- Annual report
- Briefing to incoming Minister
- Commission of Inquiry reports
- Evaluations and reviews
- Financial Action Task Force
- Information and advice sent to the Minister of Police
- Information releases
- OPC Compliance Notice progress reports
- Police Manual chapters
- Papers and reviews
- Regulatory Impact Statements
- Statement of Intent
- Strategies and plans
- Forms
- General reports
- Guides and standards
- Research
- Data and statistics
- Schools
- Corporate
- History and Museum
- Memorial
- Museum
- About the Museum
- Visit & Contact
- Exhibitions
- The place of many brave deeds
- The Bravery Medals
- 1951 - Sergeant William Shore Hughes
- 1952 - Bruce Christoffersen
- 1969 - Graham Perry
- 1978 - Murder at Miramar
- 1985 - Stephen Linney
- 1986 - Robin Dudding
- 1986 - Peter Button
- 1990 - Senior Constable Peter Umbers - GM
- 1990 - Operation Aramoana
- 1993 - Sergeant Allan Cantley - NZBM
- 1993 - Pleydell and Rice
- 1994 - Broughton and Pratt
- 1996 - Warren Sloss
- 2001 - Geoffrey Knight
- 2002 - Operation Green
- 2003 - David Templeton
- 2005 - Bertrand and White
- 2005 - Constable Craig Bennett
- 2005 - Gibson and Pennington
- 2007 - Constable James Muir - NZBD
- 2007 - Tibbott and Rose
- 2009 - Inspector Michael O'Leary - NZBD, Civilians Conor O'Leary and Peter Booth - NZBM
- 2009 - Operation Stingray
- 2009 - Operation Buckingham
- 2010 - Michael Wardle and Gage
- 2011 - Canterbury Earthquake
- 2014 - Lilleby and McDowell
- 2014 - Spalding and Turner
- 2019 - Operation Deans Targeted Terrorist Attacks, Christchurch, 15 March
- He Toa Taumata Rau
- Ngā Mētara Taonga
- 1951 - Pouwhakataki William Shore Hughes
- 1952 - Pouaromātai Bruce Christoffersen
- 1969 - Pouwhirinaki Pouaromātai E Graham Perry
- 1978 - He kōhuru i Miramar
- 1985 - Pirihimana Stephen Linney
- 1986 - Pirihimana Waka Robin Dudding
- 1986 - Kaiurungi Reretopa Whakarauora Kirirarau Peter Button
- 1990 - Pirihimana Matua Peter Umbers
- 1990 - Apareihana Aramoana
- 1993 - Pouwhakataki Allan Cantley
- 1993 - Pirihimana Matua Dean Pleydell rāua ko Pirihimana Patrick Rice
- 1994 - Kātipa Matua Peter Broughton rāua ko Kātipa Floyd Pratt
- 1996 - Pirihimana Warren Sloss
- 2001 - Pirihimana Geoffrey Knight
- 2002 - Apareihana Kākāriki
- 2003 - Pirihimana Matua David Templeton
- 2005 - Pouwhakataki Ngakina Bertrand rāua ko Pouwhakataki George White
- 2005 - Pirihimana Craig Bennett
- 2005 - Kātipa Robert Gibson rāua ko Kātipa Karl Pennington
- 2007 - Pirihimana James Muir
- 2007 - Tāriana Matua Eric Tibbott me Kātipa Allister Rose
- 2009 - Kaiwawao Michael O'Leary, Kirirarau Conor O’Leary rāua ko Peter Booth
- 2009 - Apareihana Stingray
- 2009 - Kōkiri Buckingham
- 2010 - Pirihimana Michael Wardle rāua ko Kuri Pirihimana Gage
- 2011 - Te Rū i Waitaha
- 2014 - Pouwhakataki Ryan Lilleby rāua ko Pirihimana Christopher McDowell
- 2014 - Pirihimana Matua Blair Spalding rāua ko Pirihimana Benjamin Turner
- 2019 - Operation Deans Targeted Terrorist Attacks
- Curator's Casefile
- Riccarton Hotel Unsolved Murder
- Fingerprinting and the “GOTCHA” Badges
- Sly-grogging and Hokonui Moonshine
- Trades Hall Bombing Fingerprinting Kit
- Prisoner’s Enamel Plate
- Wanganui Computer Bombing
- 1932 Auckland Riot Baton
- New Zealand Police Highland Pipe Band
- Rudolph Radka Prison Escape
- Mount Eden Prison Keys
- Suspicious Looking: 19th century mug shots from the New Zealand Police Museum
- Criminal Identification before mug shots
- The invention of mug shots
- The introduction of mug shots in New Zealand
- Criticisms of mug shot photography
- Physiognomy, Photography and the criminal look
- Beyond mug shots: Other methods of criminal identification in the 19th century
- Mug shots in New Zealand today
- Selected Biographies: Famous Faces & Sensational Stories
- Sources
- Curators Choice: Black Friday series
- Policing the First World War: slygrogging, sex and sedition
- He matapihi o nehe rā: A window into the past
- The place of many brave deeds
- Learning & Events
- Museum news
- Research
- The establishment of New Zealand Police
- Police insignia
- 75 years of women in Police
- Investigations and reviews
- CTV Investigation
- Commissions of Inquiry
- Crewe Review
- Investigation into the engagement of external security consultants
- Joint Review into the Children's Sector: Identification and response to suspected abuse
- Operation Clover
- Programmes and initiatives
- Adult Diversion Scheme
- Armed Response Team trial
- Child Sex Offender (CSO) Register
- Consultation: Arms Regulations Review of Fees 2022 - Closed
- Cost Recovery
- Electronic Monitoring on Bail (EM Bail)
- Evidence-Based Policing (EBP)
- Fostering and adopting police dogs
- Gender pay gap action plan
- Integrated Safety Response (ISR)
- International Anti-Corruption Coordination Centre
- National Security Long-term Insights Briefing - public consultation
- Neighbourhood Policing Teams
- Police contact survey – How did we do?
- Police use of emergent technologies
- RNZPC Independent Advisory Board
- Tactical Response Model (TRM)
- Te Oranga Tamariki Action Plan Collaboration
- The Gangs Act 2024
- Transforming Police Service Delivery
- Understanding Policing Delivery
- Woolf Fisher Police Fellowship Programme
- Investing in Frontline Policing
- Privacy statement - how we manage personal information
- Ko te iwi Māori me Ngā Pirihimana e ngunguru nei
- Careers
- Contact us
- 105 Police Non-Emergency
- 105 (Ten-Five) Information
- Custody enquiry
- Driving behaviour
- Formal warning review
- Found property
- Fraud/Scam/Cyber
- Hate crimes and incidents
- Hurt or threatened
- Lost property
- Property damage & graffiti
- Reporting firearms matters
- Russia Sanctions breach
- Something else
- Stolen/Attempted to steal property
- Traffic crash report
- Update Report
- 111 Police Emergency
- 111 TXT registration
- Find Police stations
- Give feedback about Police
- Local contacts
- 105 Police Non-Emergency
- Can you help us?