Methamphetamine in New Zealand: What is currently known about the harm it causes

Methamphetamine in New Zealand: What is currently known about the harm it causes

Date Published: 
November 2021

This report is a collaboration between Police and representatives from across government and non-government agencies to develop a consolidated view of the harm methamphetamine causes in New Zealand communities. It forms the first output of the Methamphetamine in New Zealand Research Programme.

The Methamphetamine in New Zealand Research Programme was established by Police in February 2020 in response to, and with the need to evidence the significant harm caused by methamphetamine. The research is supported and guided by a Steering Group with representatives from government agencies, non-government organisations (including the New Zealand Drug Foundation), universities and Iwi (Tūhoe) who have influence over, and/or a substantial interest in methamphetamine harm reduction.