Recent Changes in the Methamphetamine Scene in New Zealand

Recent Changes in the Methamphetamine Scene in New Zealand

Date Published: 
January 2004

This document presents preliminary findings from key informant surveys of drug enforcement and drug treatment workers about how the methamphetamine scene in New Zealand has changed in the last six months.

It is the first component of a larger study of the socio-economic impact of Amphetamine type Stimulants (ATS) commissioned by the New Zealand Police. The ATS project is funded by the New Zealand Police from money received from the Cross Departmental Research Funding Pool administered by the Ministry of Research Science and Technology (MoRST).

Drawing on the Rapid Assessment and Response (RAR) methodology key informant surveys were conducted nationwide with drug treatment workers and drug enforcement officers from Police and Customs in November and December of 2003. Drug enforcement key informants were selected by the National Drug Intelligence Bureau (NDIB) from officers with good knowledge of drug offending from all areas of the country.