Check if a boat is stolen

Check if a boat is stolen

Find out if a boat is stolen or report information you have about a stolen boat.

  • Yamaha Waverunner XL1200 White hull with
    Location stolen from: 
    Milford, Auckland
    Description of stolen boat:


    Description of stolen motor: 
  • 18ft Southern Light kayak
    Location stolen from: 
    Pt Chevalier, Auckland
    Description of stolen boat:

    Southern light kayak. 18ft Southern Light design Kayak. 2 Seater. Name “AROARER“ Orange/Red in colour. Home made metal rudder. Black insulation tape along side. Two small hatches with black covers. Two large hatches with yellow covers. Two paddles, one blue/white and black, the other hounds tooth check design.

  • 1991 Quintrex 5.2m alloy runabout
    Location stolen from: 
    Glenfield, Auckland
    Description of stolen boat:


    Description of stolen motor: 
    1998 Yamaha 90 hp Outboard s/n: 496707.
  • Galstron fibreglass ski boat
    Location stolen from: 
    Papakura, Auckland
    Description of stolen boat:

    Glastron ski boat

    Description of stolen motor: 
    150 hp Mercury outboard s/n: 4321773.
  • Yamaha Waveraider 1100. White hull and t
    Location stolen from: 
    Pt Chevalier, Auckland
    Description of stolen boat:


    Description of stolen motor: 
  • 1993 Fyran 440 alloy runabout
    Location stolen from: 
    Pakuranga, Auckland
    Description of stolen boat:

    FYRAN 4401993 Fyran 440 alloy runabout. Unpainted with red stripe. Windscreen with red canopy. Side seats with wooden panel and two grey plastic swivel seats. Ski pole. Alloy platform on port quarter.

    Description of stolen motor: 
    1993 40 hp Evinrude Outboard s/n: GO 3298140.
  • 2 matching Kawasaki Jetskis White with p
    Location stolen from: 
    Takapuna, Auckland.
    Description of stolen boat:


    Description of stolen motor: 
  • 1986 Fyran 4.6m Family series
    Location stolen from: 
    Description of stolen boat:

    FYRAN 4.6 FAMILY SERIES1986 Fyran 4.6m Family series. Unpainted alloy hull. Light blue bow rail, topside and canopy. Blue and white back to back seats. Port transom step, ladder broken off.

    Description of stolen motor: 
    1986 70 hp Evinrude outboard s/n: G03664749.
  • 1995 Ramco 580 Fishmaster Sports
    Location stolen from: 
    Description of stolen boat:

    RAMCO 580 FISHMASTER SPORTS.1995 Ramco 580 fishmaster sports alloy runabout. Name "IKI NUI" Unpainted hull with red pinstripe. Targa hardtop and side curtains. Game poles and rod holder. s/n: 530.

    Description of stolen motor: 
    1995 75hp Mercury outboard s/n: OG241377.