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Wednesday, 4 May 2022 - 6:18pm |

Ā te Tāite ka whakapōtaetia te Rāngai i Te Kāreti o Te Karauna mō Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa / Wing to graduate from the Royal New Zealand Police College on Thursday

4 min read

News article photos, audio and videos (1 items)

The new constables of Wing 353 will graduate from the Police College on Thursday.

Ka kopoua ngā pirihimana hou o te Rāngai 353 ā te Tāite 5 o Mei, ā, ka tukuna ki te aroākapa hei te Mane 16 o Mei.

Ka tae atu te Minita o Ngā Pirihimana a Poto Williams, Kairangi o te Rāngai a Lil Anderson, me te Kōmihana a Andrew Coster ki te whakapōtaetanga.

I eke panuku te ika tauhou Jordan Broderick i te rāngai, ā, ka whakawhiwhia ki te Taonga a te Minita ki te whakapōtaetanga. Hei tā Jordan, nōna e kōwhiri ana i tōna ara mahi ko te mahi pirihimana te mea pai rawa atu.

“He rerekē, he hihiri anō hoki ia rā, ā, kei te pīrangi au kia whai wāhi atu ki tētahi tīma he pērā rawa te tata, ānō he whānau, ehara i te kaimahi noa iho.”

E tutuki ai tana whāinga, i whakawhiwhia a Jordan ki tētahi tohu paerunga, ko te mātauranga taihara te aronga, i reira whai wheako ai ki ngā mahi paremata whakahaumanu me ngā kōti anō hoki. Ka tukuna ia ki te rohe o Counties Manukau.

Te tangata tuarua o te rāngai, te kaiwhiwhi o te Taonga a te Kairangi, ko te ika tauhou a Jessica Hinchliff. I tutuki i a ia tana tohu pūtaiao e aro ana ki te mātai taka rongoā me te mātai tāuke, ka mahi ai ki te haepapatanga Mycoplasma bovis.

“Ko tētahi wāhanga o taku mahi he tautoko i ngā kaipāmu i roto i te wā pōkaikaha. He pērā tēnei i te mahi pirihimana, inā hoki, ko tētahi wāhanga nui o te mahi pirihimana, kia ringa ngaio, kia whakaute, kia whakamanawa ki te tangata.”

Hei te wā ka whakapōtaetia te ika tauhou a Isaac Tamapeau, kua whakawhiwhia ki te Taonga a te Kōmihana mō te hautūtanga, me tana tino umanga anō hoki.

“Mai rānō kua pīrangi au kia tū hei pirihimana. Kua roa e pīrangi ana ki te āwhina i te tangata, ā, e whakapono ana au kei Ngā Pirihimana tēnā āheinga me te hou o te whakapātaritaritia ōku i taua wā tonu.”

I mua atu, i noho a Issac hei kaimahi whare pūkainga taonga, he kaikawe tūeke i ngā waka rererangi, ā, kua tākaro hākinakina ia mai rānō. Ka tukuna ia ki te rohe o Counties Manukau.

He kaiārahi te Kairangi o te Rāngai a Lil Anderson (Te Rarawa me Ngāpuhi) mō te rāngai. He rangatira ia i te rāngai tūmatanui, ā, i tēnei wā ko ia te Tumu Whakarae ki Te Arawhiti.


HE PĀNUI KI TE HUNGA PĀPĀHO: Nā ngā herenga nama mō ngā tāngata, kāore e āhei te hunga pāpāho ki te whare mō te whakapōtaetanga ā te Tāite ki Te Rauparaha Arena, 17 Parumoana Street Porirua.

Me ka pīrangi koe ki te patapataitia ētahi Ika-a-Whiro i muri iho i te whakapōtaetanga o waho, whiwhi kiriata, whakaahua rānei, tēnā koa, whakapā atu ki a

Taihoa ka whakaputaina tētahi kōrero i te makahīni Tekau Tahi me ngā pikitia ki runga i te paetukutuku o Ngā Pirihimana.

New constables from Wing 353 will graduate on Thursday 5 of May and join the front line on Monday 16 May.

Police Minister Poto Williams, Wing Patron Lil Anderson, and Commissioner Andrew Coster will attend the ceremony.

Recruit Jordan Broderick has topped the wing and will receive the Minister’s Award at the ceremony. Jordan says when deciding on his career path, policing stood out.

“Every day is different and dynamic and I want to be part of a close-knit team who are not just colleagues, but whānau.”

To attain his goal Jordan has also gained a post-graduate degree in which he specialised in criminology, and as part of that he has experienced placements in restorative justice and the courts. He will be posted to Counties Manukau District.

Second in wing and receiving the Patron’s Award is Recruit Jessica Hinchliff, posted to Southern District. Jessica completed a science degree in pharmacology and toxicology then worked on the Mycoplasma bovis eradication effort.

“Part of my job there was to provide a level of reassurance to the farmers during a stressful time for them. I relate this to policing in that an essential part of an officer’s position is to act in a professional, respectful and reassuring manner to everyone they interact with.”

When Recruit Isaac Tamapeau graduates he will have achieved the Commissioner’s Award for Leadership and his dream career.

“All my life I have wanted to be a police officer. Helping others is something I’ve always wanted to do and I believe Police will give me that opportunity, while testing me in new ways.”

Isaac has previously been a warehouse worker and ramp agent loading and unloading aircraft, and has played team sports all his life. He is posted to Counties Manukau District.

Wing Patron Lil Anderson (Te Rarawa and Ngāpuhi) has been a mentor to the wing. She is a highly-regarded leader in the public sector, currently the Tumu Whakarae (Chief Executive) of the Office for Māori Crown Relations – Te Arawhiti.


NOTE TO MEDIA: Unfortunately, Media will not be able to attend Thursday’s ceremony due to restricted numbers inside the venue, Te Rauparaha Arena, 17 Parumoana Street Porirua.

However if you wish to interview any graduates after the ceremony outdoors or receive footage or images, please contact

Look out for a Ten One Magazine story that will be published, with photos, on the Police website.

Issued by Police Media Centre

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The new constables of Wing 353 will graduate from the Police College on Thursday.
The new constables of Wing 353 will graduate from the Police College on Thursday. JPG - 3MB