Monday, 12 April 2010 - 9:54am |

Family flee suspicious fire

1 min read

A family had a lucky escape this morning when their house was destroyed in a suspected arson.

The couple in their 40s who live at the address with three female children aged between 10 and 13, woke between 1.30am and 2am to the sound of breaking glass.

They got up to find the house was on fire, managed to round-up the children, move outside to the front lawn and contact the Fire Service. No-one was hurt during the incident.

The scene of the fire will be examined in detail throughout today to establish where and how the fire was started. Police will be making various other enquiries and speaking to local residents to try to identify further witness opportunities.

Detective Sergeant Kevin Anstis said: "From the information we know so far we believe the fire was no accident but it is far too early to speculate beyond that until more forensic work and enquiries have been undertaken."

Anyone who has information about this fire is asked to contact Feilding Police Station on 06 323 6363.

Media enquiries should be referred to Communications Manager Kim Perks on 06 351 2546 or 027 234 8256.