Friday, 1 April 2011 - 11:00am |

Canterbury crime decreases by 1.6 per cent in 2010

1 min read

Figures released today [Friday 1 April] indicate that crime across the Canterbury Police District has decreased by 1.6 per cent in the 2010 calendar year. A total of 52,119 crimes were reported in that period, compared with 52,981 in 2009. The official crime statistics for 2010 show that two of the Canterbury Police Areas recorded decreases in crime – Christchurch Central with a decrease of 3.1 per cent, and Southern with a decrease of 3.4 per cent, while the remaining two recorded small increases – Mid-South Canterbury with an increase of 0.7 per cent or 49 crimes, and Northern with an increase of 0.2 per cent or 40 crimes. The District's resolution rate increased to 43 per cent, an increase from a resolution rate of 41.8 per cent recorded in 2009. The Canterbury District Commander, Superintendent Dave Cliff, says the decrease in crime is a pleasing result – particularly in light of the extraordinary events the region faced in 2010 with September's major earthquake. "It is too early to tell how February's earthquake will impact on our crime statistics, but the 2010 statistics are a positive result of which both Police staff and members of the public should be proud. "Since September we have been policing in a unique and changing environment, and the goalposts have now been moved once again. "Policing in New Zealand has always been about taking a partnership approach and working with local agencies, organisations and communities to develop solutions to local issues. This has never been more so than it is right now." As a proportion of all recorded crime in the district in 2010, the Theft and Related Offences division recorded the highest percentage (35% of the total) followed by Property damage and environmental pollution (15.9%) The categories across the district where recorded offences fell the most include Fraud, deception and related offences (-13.8%) and Dangerous or negligent acts endangering persons (-13.2%). The total recorded crime for the District, per head of population, is the lowest it has been since 2007. ENDS The 2010 Police crime statistics are available on the Police website at: