Thursday, 15 November 2007 - 1:09pm |
National News

Five Hundred More Police

1 min read

Last week's graduation of another group of police recruits marked a significant milestone. As at 1 July 2006, NZ Police had 7,559 sworn (Full Time Equivalent) staff members, excluding recruits under training. On the graduation day, this increased to 8,068 - representing a growth of 509 people in less than 18 months.

Interest in working for NZ Police has remained consistently sound throughout 2007, with many people undertaking the demanding and broad range of tests recruits must complete before they enter the Royal New Zealand Police College (RNZPC).

The recruitment of new staff is one of two major contributors to the growth experienced by NZ Police. Compared with other organisations of its size, NZ Police has a very low attrition rate (below 4%) and only a small number of staff cease employment during the first few years of commencing their policing career.

Recruitment Marketing Manager for NZ Police, James Whitaker, says this indicates that the right people are being recruited for the job.

Within most New Zealand districts, applicants who have passed all selection requirements now have to wait a month or so before they can enter the college. With this in mind, NZ Police is now exploring a range of initiatives that will assist to keep good candidates 'keen'.

"We want good candidates to remain enthusiastic. Over the next few months we'll be building stronger relationships with our future employees" Mr Whitaker said.

As NZ Police is expecting similar growth over the next 18 months, it is still seeking more suitably qualified New Zealanders.


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