Monday, 28 October 2013 - 2:41pm |
National News

Police pleased with driving behavior this weekend

1 min read

Police are generally pleased with the behaviour of drivers on our roads this labour weekend but say there is no room for complacency as people return home.

A combination of a reduced speed tolerance and increased visibility of police on the roads has caused people to be more attentive behind the wheel and has helped to ensure people are travelling at safer speeds. 

National Road Policing Manager Superintendent Carey Griffiths says “Staying under the speed limit gives you time to react to hazards and potential mistakes of other drivers on our roads. No driver is perfect. Mistakes are inevitable. But if you are minding your following distance and are driving at a safe speed then you buy yourself a life – you will have time to react and evade.”

Police are appealing to the public to look after one another on our roads for the remainder of labour weekend, which officially finishes at 6am on Tuesday 29 October. 

Last labour weekend (in 2012) there were 6 deaths and 112 injuries. This compares to one confirmed fatality so far this weekend.

The lowest number of fatalities over a Labour Day Weekend since records began is two, recorded in 1977. Three deaths were recorded in 2002, 2003, 2005 and 2006.

As people travel home there is a potential for fatigue to become a factor.  Superintendent Griffiths says, “If a driver has had less than 6 hours sleep, the risk of a crash triples. We highly recommend that drivers take time to stop, have a power nap, or revive at one of the many excellent cafes en route to your destination.”

If towing, or driving slowly, regularly pull over to allow other vehicles to pass, as impeding traffic can cause frustration and prompt other drivers to undertake risky overtaking manoeuvres.

If you observe inconsiderate driving behaviour, call *555 and report it so it can be dealt with by police.



Media Advisory – Superintendent Carey Griffiths will be available for interviews today between 3pm and 4pm. Please call the after hours page on 026 101 082.