Tuesday, 22 December 2015 - 2:15pm |
National News

Three New Zealanders convicted following international operation

1 min read

Three New Zealanders have been arrested and convicted following an international operation to identify individuals involved in the distribution of child abuse material on the internet.  

The operation was launched in July 2014 and coordinated by OCEANZ, a specialist NZ Police unit working as part of the FBI-led Violent Crimes Against Children International Taskforce (VCACITF) to protect children from online child abuse. 

The three men faced charges of Distributing and Possessing Objectionable Publications.

“The trade in child abuse images is a serious criminal offence that victimises and revictimises our most vulnerable members of society,” says Detective Senior Sergeant John Michael.

“The three New Zealanders arrested were among 48 individuals identified and arrested worldwide as part of this operation.  So far, 31 children have been rescued from abusive situations.  Four children in New Zealand have been safeguarded from potential abuse.”

“Investigations are ongoing and in addition to those already identified and arrested, more than 100 investigative leads have so far been disseminated to countries involved.”

VCACITF was established in 2004 and now includes 67 investigators from 44 countries who work closely together to coordinate complex multinational investigations. 

“As well as investigators from OCEANZ, Customs NZ and the Department of Internal Affairs, this investigation involved police and law enforcement agencies from the USA, Australia, Spain, Poland, Greece, France, Canada, Romania, and the United Kingdom,” says Detective Senior Sergeant Michael.  

“The results of this operation highlight the significant level of coordination and cooperation taking place worldwide to bring to justice those that would exploit children.”


Media contact: Rachel Purdom, PNHQ, 021 908 101.