Monday, 24 September 2018 - 1:39pm |

Witness sought following attempted abduction

1 min read

Christchurch Police are appealing for a witness to come forward following an attempted abduction in Ilam last week.

At around 5.50am on Friday 21 September, a man tried to abduct a woman jogger at the entrance to Ray Blank Park on Maidstone Road, Ilam.

The woman fought off the man, and a member of the public driving past stopped to help her.

The person who stopped to help then followed the man to a street nearby. Police went to the address and located the man.

The 27-year-old was arrested, and has been charged with abduction and assault with intent to injure. He has been remanded in custody and will appear in court on 4 October.  

Police are still keen to speak with the person who stopped to assist in this incident.

Anyone can get in touch by calling Christchurch Police on (03) 363 7400.