Monday, 12 August 2019 - 8:21am

The number’s 105 – thousand

2 min read

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105 thou

Police’s non-emergency number 105 goes from strength to strength, last week taking its 105,000th call.

The 105 phone number and online reporting portal were launched in May – on 10/5, appropriately - with a blaze of publicity and a catchy jingle designed to leave New Zealanders in no doubt as to how to report non-urgent matters to Police.

The phone number received 1000 calls within a few days and passed the 105,000 mark 86 days after launch.

105 has the twin aim of giving members of the public more ways to contact Police, and relieving pressure on the 111 emergency system by diverting non-emergency calls in a more appropriate direction.

Indications are that callers appreciate the service provided, with around 85 percent of 100 callers a day surveyed expressing satisfaction.

However, there is ongoing work to enhance the service, for example by adding to the online reporting options, and increase public engagement, understanding and satisfaction with the phone and online service.

“We’re very happy with the quick public uptake of the 105 phone and online services,” says Assistant Commissioner Jevon McSkimming.

“It was apparent very soon after the launch that there was a high degree of public awareness that we had a new non-emergency number, and also of the number itself.

“Eight weeks after the launch, 51 percent of the people we asked knew the number - people were even singing the 105 jingle back to interviewers, which really shows the power of the marketing campaign.

“But this goes way beyond the initial marketing – it’s a long-term, generational campaign to ensure New Zealanders know 105 as well as they know 111, and understand which service to use, and when.”

The 105 public education and marketing campaign included television, posters, print, radio, digital and cinema advertising.

It also featured a competition run by Police and technology partner Vodafone for members of the public to create their own versions of the 105 jingle. The claymation gem embedded below was among the winners. Enjoy.

105 and are part of Modernising Our Service Delivery, a workstream of our transformation programme The Safest Country – Policing 2021.