Friday, 29 September 2017 - 11:53am

Street-smart and ready to go

1 min read

News article photos (9 items)

307 line
307 march
307 salute
307 boyle
307 korowai
307 values
307 hugs
307 haka
307 awards

The next generation of police is about to hit the streets after the graduation of 59 constables from Recruit Wing 307 yesterday.

They come from a wide range of backgrounds and many have already served their communities. Some had careers in the armed forces of New Zealand, Britain and South Africa; others have served in voluntary capacities; one worked as an Authorised Officer in the Counties Manukau Police custody unit.

The constables - all wearing a huia feather pin in acknowledgement of Police Remembrance Day today - finished their 16-week training course at the Royal New Zealand Police College in front of friends and family. Their final activities included parade, inspection, awards and the traditional haka.

Among the VIPs present were Deputy Commissioner Resource Management Audrey Sonerson, Wing Patron Brendan Boyle, Porirua Mayor Mike Tana and members of the Police Executive.

The Minister’s Award for the top student went to Constable David Klahn, who is posted to Counties Manukau District.

Constable Joshua Peters, who is also bound for Counties Manukau, won the Patron’s Award for second top student and the Firearms Award. The Commissioner’s Award for Leadership went to Constable Joshua Neary, who is posted to Auckland City.

Brendan, Chief Executive of the Ministry for Social Development, said it had been an honour to be associated with the wing.

Constable Neary, speaking on behalf of the graduates, thanked and paid tribute to the training staff.

He reminded the audience of the famous quote by writer Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

The graduates are deployed to Auckland City (15); Bay of Plenty (2); Canterbury (6); Counties Manukau (16); Eastern (1); Waikato (1); Waitematā (9); and Wellington (9).