Museum news

Museum news

  • Policing the War: New Zealand Police 1914–1918 | The Invisible Military Machine
    August 2017
    During World War One, while the boys in khaki were battling the enemy overseas, the boys in blue were facing a very different kind of war back home. The role of New Zealand Police on the home front was the subject of a presentation by Police Museum Director Rowan Carroll to the three day ‘Dissent and the First World War’ conference at Victoria University of Wellington in August.
  • Return of remains allows Huntly couple to rest in peace

    October 2015

    Dignity and respect were the drivers of a ceremony in the north Waikato in which Police laid to rest the remains of Samuel Pender Lakey alongside his wife, Christobel. The couple were murdered at their Ruawaro farm near Huntly in October 1933 and a small number of Samuel’s remains had been part of the New Zealand Police Museum collection placed in storage following their use for investigative training last century.

    'Couple reunited 82 years after double murder' on Radio New Zealand news


  • Human Remains Collection

    June 2015

    Rowan Carroll, the Director of the New Zealand Police Museum, discusses the Museum's recent 3 year Human Remains project on Radio New Zealand. The project laid to rest a collection of forensically interesting human remains which were gathered for Police training purposes between 1906 and 1956.

    Listen to the interview

  • Secret Museums of New Zealand

    August 2015

    Radiolive showcases the New Zealand Police Museum in an interview with Museum Director, Rowan Carroll.

    Listen to the interview

  • Forced to Strike: Waihi 1912

    November 2012

    Rowan Carroll, Museum Director, discusses the Museum exhibition 'Forced to Strike: Waihi 1912' on Radio New Zealand.

    Listen to the interview

  • Suspicious Looking

    October 2012

    One of the mug shots in our collection that was featured in our online exhibition 'Suspicious Looking' has gone viral! Here's an article that featured the lovely Daniel Tohill.

    'Arresting photo gets half a million viral hits' in 'The New Zealand Herald'

  • The Museum's Expert Knowledge Exchange

    August 2012

    Rowan Carroll, the Director of the New Zealand Police Museum, discusses the Museum's Expert Knowledge Exchange which is facilitated by National Services Te Paerangi.

    Watch the interview

  • Free public programme - The Junior Detective Mystery

    Rowan Carroll, the Director of the New Zealand Police Museum, talks about the Museum's free public programme, the Junior Detective Mystery on National Radio.

    Listen to the interview