Thursday, 14 August 2003 - 4:16pm |
National News

North Shore Police solve more crime

1 min read

North Shore Police continue to lead the way in solving crimes, according to the latest police crime statistics.

52% of all crime was solved in the last fiscal year. That’s up 3% on the previous year.

&#34What is encouraging is that the resolution rate goes up dramatically when it comes to serious crime... 86.2% of violent offences were solved, 94.5% of drugs and anti social crimes were solved&#34, said North Shore Area Controller, Inspector Mike Hill.

&#34The crime statistics show yet again the North Shore is one of the safest places to live, with one of the lowest crime rates in the country&#34. (793 offences per 10,000 population)

&#34These results are particularly impressive when you consider many of our staff were involved in 5 murder investigations (all solved) which are very time consuming&#34.

&#34Overall these are very good results... we have high resolution rates and one of the lowest crime rates&#34.

&#34We thank the community for its support as we continue to make the North Shore a safer place to live&#34.