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Friday, 19 November 2004 - 11:00am |
National News

Communications Centres Review calls for submissions

2 min read

The external panel set up to conduct a review of New Zealand Police Communications Centres has announced its terms of reference and is calling for written public submissions.

Panel chair, Chief Superintendent Michael Corboy from New South Wales Police, has been in New Zealand this week visiting all three police communications centres, meeting with interested parties and finalising the terms of reference.

Acting Commissioner Steve Long says the terms of reference have been designed to enable the external review panel to take a wide-ranging look at the three Communications Centres with the aim of providing assurance to the public and police staff on the handling of emergency and other calls for service.

The panel has been asked to make recommendations on the demand for police services presented to the Communications Centres; the staffing and technological capability to meet current and predicted demand; the centres’ interaction with Police Districts; and governance and management arrangements.

International best practice will also be examined and the panel will be able to look at any other matters that it thinks need to be included in the review.

"This is a good opportunity for us to run a ruler over our communication centres to make sure they are working as well as they can, so that we can in turn give assurance to the public," Mr Long says.

The panel is calling for written submissions from members of the public who would like to have an input. Submissions open this Friday, 19 November and will close on Friday, 10 December 2004.

The terms of reference and information on how to make a submission can be found on the Police website [page now retired]. Alternatively, a written request for the information can be sent to NZ Police Communications Centres External Review, PO Box 1126, Wellington and it will be posted out.

Newspaper advertisements this weekend will also carry information on how to make submissions.

Mr Long says Chief Superintendent Corboy will return to New Zealand before Christmas to look at the submissions received and follow up with key stakeholders if required.

The other members of the external panel, Superintendent Ruth Purdie from the North Wales Force, Acting Deputy Chief Emory Gilbert from Toronto Police and Kevin McKenna from PriceWaterhouse Coopers, will convene in New Zealand in late January.

"The reviewers should have completed their work by March 2005," Mr Long says.