Thursday, 25 August 2005 - 11:01am |
Auckland City

Downward crime trend continues

1 min read

Total recorded crime in the Auckland City District for the fiscal year 2004/05 is down by seven per cent on the previous year's figure - representing a drop of more than 4,000 offences in the 12 month period from 1 July 2004 to 30 June, 2005.

When combined with the 2003/04 fiscal year drop of nine percent (or 5,389 fewer offences), this year's result is, in the main, a pleasing one continuing the downward trend.

Acting District Commander Detective Superintendent Gavin Jones said the crime category of theft from cars was up by a disappointing nine percent - more than 750 offences.

"While that obviously concerns me, I'm aware that many of those types of offences could be prevented through the public being made more aware of how to protect their property by removing valuable items from parked cars.

"That has the effect of not giving opportunist criminals the motivation or chance to smash and grab."

Overall theft - including that from cars - is down by five per cent. Fraud has dropped by 29 per cent - 1250 recorded offences - to return to 2002/03 levels, while disorder is down by a very encouraging 20 per cent.

There were three per cent fewer recorded dwelling burglaries in the district with the biggest drop coming from the district's western area where there were 231 fewer offences in that category.

Violent attacks have dropped by two per cent (59 offences) though robbery and grievous assaults have gone up by 33 and 11 offences respectively. There were two fewer homicides - seven - in the 04/05 period.

Offences categorised as "against justice" have jumped by 38 per cent, signalling much higher detection by Police of failures to answer bail by not appearing in Court on a specified date.

Issued by Noreen Hegarty
Auckland City Police Communications Manager
Ph 09 302 6947 or 0274-951-589