Wednesday, 13 July 2011 - 2:30pm |
National News

Name release Waikato pedestrian fatality

1 min read

As the name of a pedestrian killed north of Hamilton overnight is released, Waikato Police are urging road users to ensure they can be seen while out on the region's roads.

District Road Policing Manager, Inspector Leo Tooman, said the loss of 58-year-old Leslie Robyn AITKEN, was made all the more tragic as she had returned to Hamilton from her home in Ballajura in Perth, Australia, to attend her son's funeral.

"Given that all road deaths are avoidable to a degree, each of the 31 deaths on Waikato roads this year is a tragedy but given this family was already mourning a loss it is particularly sad.

"The key now is for everyone, not just those in emergency services, to do all they can to prevent more families having to suffer similar loss."

Ms AITKEN'S death was the fifth pedestrian fatality to occur in the Waikato this year

Mr Tooman said one of the simplest safety precautions people can take is to ensure they can be seen while out on the roads.

"For drivers this means driving with your lights on, day or night, for cyclists it means fitting effective lights and using high visibility clothing and pedestrians it's about avoiding being out in periods of darkness, inclement weather or low light in dark clothing and wearing hi-vis clothing where available.

"It's about reducing the risk and ensuring that if we take care of ourselves we are better equipped to take care of others."
