Tuesday, 10 March 2009 - 12:32pm |
National News

Police Pay Parade At Helensville

1 min read

The ceremonial grandeur of police on parade will be a major attraction for the community of Helensville later this month when senior police management and front line officers assemble and march through the township. The occasion is the annual Rodney police pay parade.

This event has historical significance for police. Pay parades date back to the 19th century when officers were required to assemble in their "number one uniform" and then march to the local office of the magistrate. They were duly inspected and then handed their pay.

Police no longer parade for this purpose however the idea has been developed to now include both Award and Medal presentations. Commendations for excellence in police service, and acknowledgement of both police and citizen bravery are other achievements attributed on this occasion.

At 11.00am on Thursday 19 March 2009, police officers will march in full dress uniform from Kowhai Street, via Commercial Road to the Helensville RSA. They will be accompanied by the pipes and drums of the Police Pipe Band.

On arrival at the RSA a formal inspection of the parade will be carried out by the Prime Minister, Hon. John Key MP, Deputy Police Commissioner Rob Pope, Assistant Police Commissioner Steve Shortland, Rodney District Mayor Penny Webster, and Superintendent Bill Searle the Waitemata Police District Commander. At the conclusion of this ceremony those assembled will then proceed to the War Memorial Hall where several presentations will be made.

Other dignitaries in attendance will include Western Ward Councilors, Inspector Janet Hope, Rodney Police Commander, local community leaders.

The parade will provide an excellent opportunity for the Helensville community to see their local police presented in public. A large number of people are expected to view this colorful spectacle as it passes by a backdrop of well preserved historical buildings that exist in the centre of town.