Phillipstown Neighbourhood Policing Team

View larger map of Canterbury NPT Phillipstown police district in pop up box.The Phillipstown Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) aims to protect individuals and families in our community who are most likely to be victims of crime and crashes.

Staffed by highly motivated and multi-skilled police officers, Phillipstown NPT has extensive knowledge in community policing and problem-solving techniques. The team also brings the necessary commitment and passion to ensure that members of our community can "Be safe - Feel safe".

The team looks to identify the priority issues that cause the most harm to members of the community and works with community organisations, Iwi, and existing police groups to solve these issues which are often beyond the capabilities of traditional Policing. We will support the community with these issues until it is able to manage them without our ongoing support.

Our goal is for Phillipstown to become a confident, secure and safe community.

Phillipstown NPT’s patch

The team covers the area bounded by Ferry Road, Aldwins Road, Cashel Street and Fitzgerald Avenue. We also look after Eastgate mall and nearby streets.

Phillipstown NPT’s partners

We're working closely with many other organisations and agencies in the neighbourhood, including local schools, Christchurch City Council, Environment Canterbury, Fire Service, Kāinga Ora - Housing New Zealand, The Friends of Edmonds Gardens, Phillipstown Community Centre, Fire and Emergency , Ministry of Social Development, Oranga Tamariki-Ministry for Children 2020, Linwood Link, Neighbourhood Support Groups, Age Concern and local businesses.

What we can do for you

We can help you with:

  • reassurance and support for victims of crime
  • crime prevention advice
  • community activities
  • education of Young people on safety
  • investigating offences and holding offenders accountable.

Projects we are involved in

Phillipstown NPT’s projects include:

  • building Neighbourhood Support groups
  • school visits
  • community event at Phillipstown School
  • graffiti eradication and prevention
  • neighbourhood clean-up.
  • Eastgate Mall
  • Working closely with our partner agencies

Top five neighbourhood tips

  1. Make sure your house, car and property are secure and valuables are out of sight.
  2. Record the serial numbers and other details of valuables and keep them in a safe place.
  3. Report all suspicious activity to Police. Use 111 if it's happening now. 105 if it has happened.
  4. Join your local Neighbourhood Support group by visiting the Christchurch Gets Ready website.
  5. Get to know your neighbours. Take the time to say hello and have a coffee.

Contacting the team

P (03) 363 7400 (ask for the Phillipstown NPT)