
Police Ethnic Strategy

New Zealand Police has developed a strategy to guide the way we work to meet the safety needs of our diverse ethnic communities. The strategy sets out how police work closely with community members and other agencies to reduce crime and fear of victimisation in ethnic communities.

Working Together with Ethnic Communities: Police Ethnic Strategy (PDF 2.2MB)

Join Police

New Zealand has a diverse community made up of many cultures and we need people from many cultures, to be part of the New Zealand Police. You can work for Police either as a uniformed officer or in a non-uniformed, support role. Find out about interesting roles where you can make a difference via the careers section on the police website.

To find out more about how to become a uniformed Police officer please visit our NewCops recruiting site.


We welcome your input and suggestions as to how we can increase safety in your community. Please contact your local ethnic liaison officer.